“Prayer is the cure for lost souls, confused minds and broken hearts.”
~ Author Unknown
I have been thinking about prayer this week.
Rest assured, today’s newsletter is not about any religion or anyone’s personal belief. I feel that prayer exists for all of us and it doesn’t have anything to do with what denomination of faith that we may practice and follow.
The experience I’ve shared with you over and over with regard to my Mom’s journey with dementia has been nothing less than challenging for me and my family. Quite frankly, this experience has felt so much more difficult than many other trials and losses that have come along the way.
There are so many things that go on day-to-day and can change on a dime. It can be overwhelming and beyond frustrating. Without a doubt, this experience of taking care of Mom has been a journey unto itself. I can’t tell you how difficult it has been to witness first hand Mom’s journey with losing her mind slowly and deliberately. This disease of dementia/Alzheimer’s is oh so very cruel. To watch this disease, take over her very being and leave her with so little recollection of the vibrant woman that she used to be, let alone the woman who will leave this world with a legacy of so much is beyond challenging and difficult. It has changed our entire family, as it has for far too many families that I care to admit.
I don’t say any of this with the intent of looking for sympathy or anyone feeling sorry me or my family. I share this because my story, my family’s story is just that, it is our story. So many others have their own story whether similar to mine or not, that is just as real, challenging, heartbreaking and completely overwhelming. It doesn’t matter. We all have something that we are dealing with, have lost, can’t understand, don’t know why this is happening to us, and are grieving and can’t seem to understand or see straight from the loss.
When there is nothing left to do, you can always say a prayer.
I pray for Mom, that she is strong enough to get through this.
I pray that this is not Mom’s time yet and that she can manage all of these day to day challenges and still have some quality of life.
I pray for strength to help her.
I pray that my family has many more moments to enjoy our Mom.
I pray that whatever we do and what is to come will be enough to honor Mom and give her the best quality of care that we can.
I pray because I don’t know what else to do.
But what I can always do is pray.
So I ask you dear friend, what can you pray about today?
Maybe in your life there’s something that you are challenged with. Maybe you have done and exhausted everything you can possibly imagine that there is to do and the outcome is not what you want or what you thought it would be.
Maybe, just maybe….. All that is left for you to do is say a prayer.
Say a prayer for clarity.
Say a prayer for strength.
Say a prayer for something outrageous.
Say a prayer for a miracle.
Say a prayer for love, beauty, abundance, gratitude… You have today.
Say a prayer
Say a prayer
Say a prayer.
It doesn’t matter what you say. Just say something.
One of my favorite quotes of all time is:
“If the only prayer you ever say is thank you, that is enough.”
― Meister Eckhart
So dear friend, what are you praying for today?
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