“Things have a way of working themselves out if we just remain positive. “
Lou Holtz College Football National Champion Coach
Are you bogged down with too much? Aren’t we all?
I have been thinking about this a lot lately and I have to say once I go down that rabbit hole it takes on a life of its own and I am in a frenzy of thinking it is all too much and I am never going to find peace.
And that is crazy thinking but how many times do you do the same thing? You are pulled in more directions than you can count, and every day feels like Groundhog Day doing the same things over and over. Putting one fire out after the other and of course, you are not happy and is anyone else?
Then, I stop, regroup and immediately think of my go to with everything “this too shall pass.” And, if I stop, somehow, everything works itself out and not because I had anything to do with it.
Some things to share with you:
• Your way may not be the best way. Check in with trusted folks and get perspective. They can share something you have not thought about. Or they can remind you to stop being so hard on yourself and remember you are a great person.
• Cut yourself some slack. It is okay to have a bad day and be off your game.
• Realize you cannot make everyone happy so why not focus on making yourself feel good first.
• Keep close your besties and kick to the curb anyone and everyone who is toxic and causing you angst. Sometimes those people may even be in your family. You did not choose your family, but it is okay to love from a distance when necessary.
• And, whatever you believe in, your faith, God, Higher Power, The Universe, Angels; Go there as soon as you can. They are real and you are surrounded by good karma and are loved.
• When in doubt, breathe.
• I so believe life is meant to be good and I hope you do too. Sometimes, letting go and giving up control makes all the difference in the world.
• The diversity in the world is not a terrible thing. There are a lot of wonderful and good people out there.
• Sometimes, embracing our differences is the way to go. Kindness wins every time, and we stand to learn so much from each other.
So, when your world is in chaos, try to remember to stay positive – things do work themselves out.
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