“Year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but a going on, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. “~ Hal Borland
Can you believe we are halfway through October!
Where has the time gone? This year has been moving fast and the end of the year will be here before you know it!
What’s on your mind right about now? Are you filled with enthusiasm and excitement to celebrate the holidays? I love this time of year with family and friends, decorating, baking, holiday traditions and beautiful music.
I know many people sometimes feel Thanksgiving, Christmas and Chanukah have gotten so commercialized. We’ve forgotten their true essence and spirit. Have we really? Isn’t it possible to ignore the commercialization and carve out what you believe is the spirit of the holiday for you and what you want to focus on and share with others? Sometimes shutting off the TV is enough to get back to what is important.
Despite what we see in the media, this time of year brings many challenges and emotions. As time goes by, every year seems to change. Families grow with new additions and lessen with the loss of someone we love. We feel their absence, an empty whole inside we ache to have filled.
Traditions and the like remind of us happy times and at the same time can fill us with sadness when someone we love is no longer with us. The emotions bubble up and we can feel at a loss in how to navigate this special time of year.
Are you feeling overwhelmed and stressed out?
Do you feel confident in your ability to manage your emotions and find joy in the holidays this year? Are you sad with grief and feeling this time of year is too much for you to handle?
Lots of questions to ponder.
Rest easy. You are not being quizzed. No one will keep score, nor do you have to give any answers. These questions are to help you to think. Mostly, by asking a question, the best answer for you will show itself.
There are no right or wrong answers but maybe what needs to happen is to find a strategy for handling triggers of emotion which may come up. A tool to refer to and use so these next few weeks are enjoyable, peaceful, and filled with love no matter where you are or what you choose to do and with whom.
My first recommendation is to always focus on the basics. Check in with your sleep. Are you getting enough rest each night? With work, family and kids pulling you in all directions, it’s understandable you might be sleep deprived. I certainly am more times than I care to admit. What helps in the moment, slow deep breaths. Do this as much as you can throughout your day. Drink lots of water and keep yourself hydrated. Working on a computer daily can drain your energy. Consciously step away for 5 to 10 minutes over the course of an hour. Stepping away for a mini-break is refreshing. If nothing else, it will give your eyes a rest.
Seek out those you feel good with and those you can turn to when you need a sounding board or a quick pep talk to feel better.
Be flexible. There are many invitations and celebrations during the holidays. Give yourself permission to go to as many or as little as you want. Even if you want time to be by yourself, take it. Traditions or not, the spirit of the holidays is felt and expressed in many, many ways.
Let your heart lead the way. Trust your instincts. You are the best judge of what is right for you. Whatever emotions you feel during these next few weeks will be manageable when you slow down, take care of you and leave yourself alone to do what feels best in the moment.
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