“We shall never know all the good that a Smile can do.” ~ Author Unknown
There are days, weeks, even some months when it’s an effort to conger up a smile. Too much may be happening all at once. Dealing with a pandemic brought losses the likes many never knew they would experience. I have had my share of losses over the years as well as many others. Yet, I choose to smile every day despite how I may be feeling . I believe, if there’s one thing in life that never gets old, it is a smile.
Am I being a Pollyanna?
How can you smile when you feel unhappy?
Smile for what?
Smile because someone you love is gone?
Smile when your heart is broken?
Smile life has changed dramatically and you don’t know what to do?
Smile when on most days all you want to do is shut the world out and stay in bed?
Smile when you feel weak?
Smile when sadness is so profound it takes every strength in you to get through the day.
Smile? Are you kidding me?
No I am not. As much as it may feel difficult to smile when you feel sad, hurt, distracted or full of grief, it is the very same action of smiling that will help you to feel better.
You need to smile;
We all need to smile;
Often and as much as we can;
Smiling means so much.
If it hurts to smile with loss, can you also allow and remind yourself the joy of smiling?
All those memories;
They are always with you;
When you met;
When you fell in love;
The expectation of a child being born;
The smile that comes on your face when you think about family and friends;
The smile that comes with the love in your heart for your children and every child that exists;
The smile that comes from a job well done;
The smile that comes when you meet someone new;
The smile in your heart for all good things;
The smile you have knowing you are loved;
The smile that comes from a stranger;
The smile that tickles your insides;
The smile of just being alive;
The smile that conveys, “I love you”; “I’m here for you”; “I want to help”; “It’s a great day”; “You are special”; “I’m happy to meet you”; “I understand”;
It’s all about smiling and there’s nothing more powerful than the smile that changes a life.
You know I’m all about quotes and sayings that make me think and feel. Here’s a thought:
“Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile. A word of optimism and hope. A “you can do it” when things are tough.”
~ Richard M. DeVos.
If one smile from you can impact and change the world of one person, are you open to receiving a smile from someone else to do the same for you? A smile changes everything.
I smile often…when you smile at someone they usually smile back……
I agree, Marie. I also smile often. It feels good and you never know if you’re helping someone else with the gesture..