“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate” ~ Oprah Winfrey
Do you celebrate you? I know it’s so much easier to celebrate others, but we also need to celebrate ourselves.
My Mom had a hard time celebrating herself. She was not good with being the center of attention. Three weeks every year from the end of April into May, my family would celebrate my Mom and Dad. It starts with April 27th, Mom & Dad’s anniversary. The next week is Mom’s birthday, May 4th and the week after that is Mother’s Day. In between all of that at some point there would be a wedding for a family member or special friend for some significant milestone.
As I think about these occasions, I realize there is much to be said about celebration.
We don’t celebrate enough.
Why is that?
Why do we need a reason?
Why must there be an occasion?
Who decides what is celebrated and what is not?
And the answer is, YOU!
You are a celebration.
You deserve to celebrate all the unique and special qualities that are you.
And isn’t it great to know there’s no one else in the world just like you?
No one else in this world can do what you do, say things the way you do, act the way you do, walk the way you do, laugh the way you do, or think the way you do.
No one is you but you.
The benefits of celebration are far and wide.
Celebration feels good.
Celebration makes you smile.
Celebration builds self-esteem which in turn builds confidence.
When you feel good and like who you are, you walk taller, you smile more often,
You have energy to do more in life, you are happy and healthy.
You attract more love, kindness, friendship, and true abundance into your life when you feel good and celebrate everything.
Others notice. It creates a ripple effect. They want what you have for themselves.
That’s pretty powerful, don’t you think so?
So for the next few days no matter what is going on in your life, choose celebration.
Give it try and make an effort to celebrate as much as you can.
Choose to celebrate every little thing. It’s easy to celebrate the nice stuff, the happy stuff, the fun stuff. Why not also celebrate the not so nice stuff. Whatever it may be, there is a celebration to be found.
If you’re grieving the loss of a loved one, celebrate the time you had together and the beautiful gift of love. You will never forget this person or the time you spent together. Celebrate love never dies and to have loved at all is a celebration unto itself.
If you’re scared, lonely, afraid, angry, frustrated, down, overwhelmed, etc. celebrate the fact you have a heart and soul that can experience such emotions. You have the ability to change your focus and feel good again.
If money is an issue and you’re paying off debt, celebrate you had the money at the time to spend when you wanted to. If you had the money then, you can find new ways to find the money now to pay off what you need to and then some.
If you are out of work, celebrate your accomplishments. Remember you can choose this loss as a new time in your life to do something you have not done before you lost your job.
Celebrate!! Celebrate!!! Celebrate!!!
Celebrate everything, the milestone, the promotion, and the special occasion. Celebrate the small stuff, the everyday stuff and the mundane stuff. It is when we choose to celebrate little things over and over, day in and day out we begin to feel more alive and awake to life, love, happiness and joy.
Begin celebrating today!
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