“When you cannot control what is happening, challenge yourself to control the way you respond to what is happening. That’s where your power is.” ~ Author Unknown
There are so many stories to share. We all have stories. I have stories and I want to share my stories. These are my stories of what I have lived but maybe they are stories that will help others. Maybe even you.
I believe we are more alike than we are different. We go through what we go through. Life happens to all of us just because we are human. One day everything seems to be going great and then out of nowhere life can kick you in the stomach when you least expect it.
I never thought I would have the story I have. Two broken marriages resulting in two divorces. Blessed with no children. Sold my home, moved back to my family to care for my parents through Cancer and Alzheimer’s to now turn 56 starting my life all over again.
What a journey my life has been so far. Far from over with no idea as to what come’s next.
Why do I share this? Not for anyone to feel bad or sorry for me. My story is far from unique. I am one of many who have gone through similar circumstances and quite frankly, others have had circumstances far worse than mine. I share all of this because I know I am not alone. I am one of thousands of stories out there.
The only thing I hope to accomplish in sharing my story is to offer anyone who needs support. There is light at the end of the tunnel. There is more to all of us than what has happened or what pain and suffering anyone has endured. There is joy to embrace. There is happiness yet to be experienced. Hold on. Now is not the time to give up.
All I can do is share with you what I have experienced. Maybe you can relate. Maybe in sharing my story, you see or hear something I learned, and it helps you to not feel so alone and inspires motivation to move forward.
Maybe, sharing my bumps and bruises gives you some tools and extra support things can be different. You can come back from whatever you are dealing with.
Maybe, if I can help you see changes you can make in your life, you can pay it forward to help others you care about.
Maybe, together we can kick fear to the curb. I know for sure these days fear has kept me side-lined much longer than I care to admit. Fear has gotten such a hold on me I question my worth. I question whether I am good enough. Do I have what it takes to be a great coach? I have been studying and training for years to do this. Who do I think I am? How can I possibly help anyone else when I feel I cannot help myself right now?
Do you have fears you are wrestling with that keep you up at night questioning your self-worth and your ability to get out of this mess?
Fear is powerful and seductive. It feels real. I can go back in time and I am sure you can too to find evidence from what has happened to you to prove what you are feeling is true. Fear is clever and if we let it take over, it will shut us down. Fear is lying to you and it keeps you focused on the past. The past is over for all of us. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it, make different decisions, and keep moving forward. Who knows what is possible? First, we have to make peace with the past and leave it where it is.
I am not making light of 2020 and the tragedy of COVID-19. Thousands of people gone. More than the tragedy of 9/11 and other disasters which have come before. The grief in our world right now is extreme. We are left not knowing what to do. Riddled with fear. As fear would have it, our decisions to come will be based in lack and not truth. The truth is we can shut fear down. One truth at a time. One action step at a time.
Maybe, in sharing these truths with you, you will begin to see there are other possibilities out there. Nothing is black and white, and things can get better.
Maybe, in sharing my story others will begin to give themselves permission to try something new.
Maybe, the examples in my story will let you know you are worth every effort to live the best life you can and remind you anything worthwhile takes time, effort and understanding.
Maybe, the result is you are worth it to do it differently.
My intent is to help as much as I can and create a dialogue between us.
Maybe, we are all in this together and there is more to learn from each other. We need to reach out, talk to each other and lend a helping hand.
I would love to hear how you are feeling these days. Please feel free to comment on this post or reach out to me through email if you prefer something more private. Just click on the “Get in Touch” button on the header of footer of the home page.
In the meantime, be easy with yourself and know you are never alone.
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