“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ~ Oscar Wilde
WOW! We barely said Happy New Year and here we are with January ending in a few days. How is everything going? Is 2024 off to a good start? I am not the biggest advocate of setting resolutions each year. I have embraced a word or words for each year that mean something to me, and it works. I find the words I choose can be applied to all aspects of life and what is great about the word or words chosen is you never stop using them. Each year may bring a new word, but previous words carry through and keep being applied.
What does make me think is how do we show up each year? First, we need to show up for ourselves. What does it mean to show up for yourself? Showing up for yourself means taking responsibility for every aspect of your life which includes your needs, values and priorities. It means creating boundaries, being present, engaging with others and staying proactive in your life. Showing up for yourself involves self-care and self-respect. It means taking care of all of you, your emotional and physical health.
Some things to consider for 2024 and beyond:
• Goals – Get clear about what you want to accomplish. Be realistic and focus on goals which align with your values.
• What lights you up? – Make time for the things that put a smile on your face. Is there a hobby you enjoy? Is there a book you keep saying you want to read? Is there a movie you have been dying to see? Have you spent enough time with loved ones and friends lately? All these things help us relax and recharge. We need connection.
• Set Boundaries – This can be a little tough if your automatic response is to put others’ needs before your own. Think about breaking this habit and start saying “no” when you do not want to do something, or you have too much going on. Your time is precious and once it is gone, it is gone.
• Sleep Matters – We need good sleep to show up consistently with a clear head and to manage stress. Poor sleep impacts more than we realize. It improves your health and helps to regulate your mood.
• Your Health is Vital – Take care of you. Are you current on all your annual check-ups? If not, start early this year. How is your diet these days? Can you make some changes that will optimize how you feel every day? Can you be more active this year? Nothing over the top, just keep active. Move more, whether that is walking, running, biking, dancing, stretching, etc.
• Kindness & Gratitude – We often are our own worst enemies. It is time to rethink things in 2024. Lose self-judgment and criticism. Speak to yourself as kindly as you speak to others. And do not forget about gratitude. Practice focusing on what is right about you and your life. Appreciate all you bring to the table.
• Who Has Your Back? – Surround yourself with people who support you and lift you up. Make them your “go to” group when you are not feeling your best.
• Stop Caring About What Others Think – What someone thinks of you is none of your business. We cannot have everyone like us, and we do not like everyone either. Do not bog yourself down with someone else’s opinion of you. Only your opinion matters.
There is much more to add to this list, and I am sure you have many ideas of your own. 2024 is off and running. January is almost over. Wouldn’t it be great to get to the end of this year and feel wonderful about ourselves? We can do things as we have always done, or we can make some new changes to carry us all year long. You cannot give what you do not have so why not begin with you?
You are exceptional and deserve all good things in life. We can never control what anyone else is doing, saying or being but we can control ourselves and how we respond and show up in the world. You are worth every effort to be the best version of you.
To you being your fabulous self and 2024 a new year of all good wishes come true!
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